Wednesday 23 May 2012

First Post


Hereby the first post for this blog.  There are three people in-charge of this blog :
1) Earniza binti Abdul Rashid
2) Siti Nurazuwa binti Abdul Kadir
3) Syarmeen binti Mohd Farmy

 From left -Syarmeen, Siti and Earniza

The three of us are students of UiTM Puncak Alam taking up Bachelor of Science (Hons) Tourism Management (HM2215A). This blog was created to fulfil requirements for the blog assignments of Etourism(HTT 647), as been set by our dearest lecturer Sir Mohd Hafiz bin Mohd Hanafiah. 

Perlis is an interesting place, especially for those who like ecotourism and food. The three of us decides to make tourism products in Perlis as our blog entry main topic. This blog will acts as a medium for people to find information about places of interest found in Perlis

We hope that you enjoy reading our blog. Wassalam 

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